Which retractable screen is right for your garage?

If you live in Florida, you no doubt enjoy the beautiful weather and refreshing warm breeze that often brings a hint of salt air from the coast. The reason you moved to The Sunshine State in the first place is to enjoy that perfect tropical environment and take in all this gorgeous oasis has to offer. So the last thing you want to be is cooped up inside on a stunning Spring day. A garage screen is a perfect way to enjoy the outdoors while also relaxing in privacy and free of pesky insects.
But what kind of garage screen is right for your home?
The answer all depends on how you choose to open your screen and what level of convenience you need. At Michele's Hide-Away Screens & Awnings we have three types of retractable garages screens: electronic roll up, LifeStyle, and four track slider screens.
Four track slider screen: If you are looking for a simple, affordable screen system, the four-track slider may be just what you are looking for. Our sliders have the rollers located at the top of the screens instead of the bottom, so the rollers never get caked with dirt and grit, making opening a breeze every time.
Lifestyle Screens: These screens are both stylish and convenient. If you plan on spending a lot of time in your garage and need quick access to an exit, the Lifestyle Screens have an optional door in the middle of the screen making it extremely easy to get in and out of your garage if you need to.
Electronic Roll Up Screen: If you are looking for a screen to make your life a little easier then you will love the electronic roll-up screen. Opening and closing this elegant screen is a breeze with just a touch of a button on your remote control.
No matter which screen you choose, you will have the luxury of creating the perfect color combination and extent of privacy you need and customize it just the way you like it. Come by our gorgeous new showroom conveniently located in Ocala to get your retractable garage screen today!
Monday, April 30, 2018
356 words
1 minute, 46 seconds reading time